All configuration settings are under the top level key discordchat.


Each of the sub-keys of this is the minimum permission level for a command. See Commands for the default values.


The string to use as the prefix for commands. Default is !.


Settings for connecting to Discord. See Setup for how to determine these values.


The format for a player achievement message from MC to Discord.

$1 will be replaced with the player’s username and $2 will be replaced with the achievement.

Default: MC » $1 has just earned the achievement $2


The format for a player death message from MC to Discord.

$1 will be replaced with the player’s username and $2 will be replaced the death message (which includes the player’s username).

Default: MC » $2


The format for a normal message from Discord to MC.

$1 will be replaced with the channel, $2 will be replaced with the sender’s username, and $3 will be replaced with the message.

Default: #$1 » <$2> $3


The format for a normal message from MC to Discord.

$1 will be replaced with the sender’s username and $2 will be replaced with the message.

Default: MC » <$1> $2


Format for a player join message from MC to Discord.

$1 will be replaced with the player’s username.

Default: MC » $1 joined the game


Format for a player leave message from MC to Discord.

$1 will be replaced with the player’s username.

Default: MC » $1 left the game


If achievements should be relayed from Minecraft to Discord.


If death message should be relayed from Minecraft to Discord.


If player join/leave message should be relayed from Minecraft to Discord.